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Autism Awareness for First Responders

Autism Awareness for First Responders

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Autism are general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development.  These disorders are characterized by difficulties in social interactions, verbal/non-verbal communications and repetitive behaviors.

Fire, Rescue, EMS, and Police often encounter citizens who may have various communication barriers that may make it difficult or impossible for individuals to ask for help.  Emergency responders must understand that these barriers must be recognized, the difficulties that may be encountered identified, and means to overcome them applied.

This 90 minute training session will discuss interactions with Autistic individuals – their traits, considerations for first responders, de-escalation, communication, community relations and more.

The program is delivered by 30-year emergency services veteran and father of autistic child.

To schedule this class, please contact [email protected]

Note:  NJ EMT Continuing Education Units (CEUs) may be available through the NJDOH.  30-45 days notice is required.

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