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Firefighter Escape Systems Training


All Hands Fire Equipment is the leader and most trusted name for firefighter escape systems. We offered the very first NFPA-certified Firefighter Escape System – the RIT Rescue & Escape Systems “Fire Fighter Rescue Escape Device” (F.F.R.E.D.) that was developed in 1996.

Since then, we have equipped and trained THOUSANDS of firefighters.  We are the only authorized dealer and trainer for all of the top NFPA-certified firefighter escape systems.  We can provide you a non-bias view and presentation to get you the escape system that works best for you. No sales pitch. No persuasion to one specific product.

Why choose All Hands Fire Equipment for your Firefighter Escape Systems Training?

Because of our experience! We have equipped and trained thousands of firefighters, in both career and volunteer fire departments. We have supervised and recorded well over 25,000 bailout jumps.

We are the only authorized dealer and trainer for all of theIMG_8918 leading NFPA-certified Firefighter Escape Systems, including,

– Petzl EXO Escape System
– Petzl EXO-AP Escape System
– Sterling Stealth Escape System
– Sterling FCX Escape System
– Sterling F4 Escape System
– CMC LEVR Escape System
– Fire Innovations CORE Escape System
– RIT Safety Systems
– DEUS Escape System
– Customized Bailout Kits

We have also delivered training on some of the lesser know escape systems that are available.


Escape systems programs are designed to instruct the student on the escape system – its components, how they are designed to operate, use and technique, and care and maintenance.

Firefighter Escape Systems – Basic End User Training (6-8 hours)
All Hands Fire offers manufacturer / factory authorized training on all of the leading firefighter escape systems. This “basic” end user training includes a classroom session, written test, skill stations and bailout jumps at varied levels of difficulty. The class is designed to build student confidence and muscle memory. All Hands Fire lead instructors are authorized trainers for all of the leading firefighter escape systems.

Firefighter Escape System – Train-the-Trainer Class (16 hours)
Our Train-the-Trainer (TtT) program is approved and authorized by Petzl for the EXO escape system. We also offer manufacturer-recognized Train-the-Trainer programs for the Sterling F4, RIT Safety System, DEUS Escape System and others.  This is a comprehensive class that provides student-trainers with essential information on the escape system – proper use, deployment, operation, care and maintenance.  It also covers student safety using back-up rope belays systems, troubleshooting, use of a class 2 harnesses, safety and survival review, teachbacks, and advanced firefighter escape system techniques.

Firefighter Escape System – Refresher Training (2-4 hours)
The Refresher Class is designed for students who have previously completed Basic End User class, and seek an annual “refresher” program.  The program includes a classroom session, equipment inspection checking for proper wear and the proper packaged of their system.  The students then participate in skill stations, followed by three or more bailout jumps at varied levels of difficulty.  These jumps are scored pass/fail, so students may be required to perform more than three jumps if they cannot demonstrate competency.

Firefighter Escape System – Advanced Refresher Training (6-8 hours)
The Advanced Refresher includes all aspects of the Refresher Class, plus students will perform a variety advanced bailout techniques.  These include bailout under increased stress levels, performing a rapid multi-firefighter bailout, deployment and use of escape system from a peaked roof, descending from upper floor window to a lower level window, and more (time permitting).

Firefighter Escape System Evaluation Program (2-4 hours)
Not sure what to buy?  This program is designed for fire department decision makers who will have an opportunity to view and safely test the various escape systems that are available, under the supervision of certified instructors.  Systems will be shown with non-bias and no “sales pitch”.

To schedule a class, please contact [email protected]   

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