Since 2006, All Hands Fire Equipment & Training has equipped and trained thousands of firefighters with personal escape systems. Often times we are asked if there is a “mandatory” training requirement for end user and refresher training. Our reply is that manufacturers recommend training from a qualified and recognized trainer.
Fire Departments as the “Agency Having Jurisdiction” should also have guidelines in place that address training, as well as care, maintenance and inspection.
NFPA 1500: Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety, Health, and Wellness Program – also offers standards that read:
5.1.8 The fire department shall provide all member with a documented training and education that covers all assigned personal protective equipment (PPE).
5.1.10 Training programs for all members engaged in emergency operations shall include procedures for the safe exit and accountability of members during rapid evacuations, equipment failure, or other dangerous situations and events.
5.5.1 The fire department shall develop a recurring proficiency cycle with the goal of preventing skill degradation and potential for injury and death of members.
For further information on escape systems, harnesses and training, please contact [email protected].