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Encouraging the members will benefit the department long term

Think about it… We all start out in the fireIMG_0315 service motivated and eager to progress.  We start out as “probies”.  As time goes on, we gain some experience and are given / earn more responsibility.

For most, the natural instincts are to become something more.  This generally involves taking on more responsibility and earning an elevated “status” among your peers.  Whether it is becoming an officer, a chauffeur, joining a special unit, etc. firefighters generally seek to advance.

For both career and volunteer department’s, this is how we can not only retain our members, but also motivate them.  If we are placing emphasis on having members earn and strive to achieve these important milestones, and reward them when they do, than maybe we can improve moral and do better at retaining our people.

Placing emphasis.  It should be a big deal when a member comes off probation.  Getting rid of that ugly orange front piece isn’t reward enough, so make it an event that the member can be proud of.  Then, encourage them and set the bar high.  Create an environment where members want to progress, and when they do, it’s a big deal.

After probation, have milestones, offer incentives and achievements.  Create an environment where they want to earn something.  Praise them when they do.




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